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-Cards Of Subconscious Interpretations-

April – May 2016


This work incorporates two elements that are significant to me: letter-writing and dreams. I’ve specifically decided to use cards for the production of my illustrations because letter-writing is a very special ritual to my personal life. It is a practice that has been passed down for centuries and is still being used as a way to stay in touch with loved ones. For me, I consider it as the most authentic way of communicating with another. In this day of age where communication is oversimplified through technology, there is something so powerful about a “handwritten letter” that conveys thoughtfulness, care, and creativity.

Dreams have always been a source of interest to me because of their mysterious interpretations and intriguing messages behind the symbolism. It is said that dreams reflect our subconscious thoughts and there is a deeper significance behind their literal meaning.

There is a connection between letter-writing and dreams because they both act as a tool to deliver a message, one being more literal than the other. However, there is an element of “surprise” when it comes to opening a card when you don’t know what it looks like in the inside. In these cards, the interpretation is placed on the front, but you don’t know what the explanation symbolizes until you open it. I have brought together these two elements and juxtaposed them so that they create a harmonious yet unexpected effect.

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